EURASIA WINDOW/ DOOR/ GLASS FAIR 2024 —— YINRUI INTELLIGENT sincerely invites you to visit us

Dear partners and industry elites,

We invite you to participate in the EURASIA WINDOW/ DOOR/GLASS FAIR 2024 to be held in Istanbul, Turkey from November 16 to 19, 2024. This is not only an industry feast, but also an excellent opportunity to broaden your horizons and seek common development.

The highlights of the exhibition are as follows:

Unprecedented scale: 12 exhibition halls with a total area of ​​120,000 square meters, bringing together the world’s top companies to jointly present the latest trends and innovations in the door and window glass industry.

International event: 644 exhibitors from 24 countries and 70,909 professionals from 109 countries and regions gathered together to promote the development of the industry.

Yinrui Intelligent Booth: Our carefully crafted booth 1264D will showcase our latest technologies and products. We look forward to your visit and guidance.

Exhibition details:


Exhibition date: November 16-19, 2024

Exhibition hall name:Tüyap Fair, Convention & Congress Center

Exhibition hall address:Cumhuriyet Mahallesi Eski Hadımköy Yolu Caddesi 9/1, 34500 Büyükçekmece – İSTANBUL

We look forward to sharing the latest market dynamics and technological achievements with you and discussing industry trends and development opportunities together.

During the exhibition, we will also hold a number of technical exchanges and business negotiation activities to provide you with a platform for in-depth communication with industry colleagues.

Take action now

Please plan your trip in advance to ensure you arrive on time for this industry event.

If you have any questions or need further information about the exhibition, please feel free to contact us.

We sincerely look forward to your arrival

At EURASIA WINDOW/ DOOR/GLASS FAIR 2024, Yinrui Intelligent will work hand in hand with you to jointly open a new chapter in the door and window glass industry. Let us gather in Istanbul to share the industry feast and create a better future together!


Intelligent #Glass #GlassProcessing #SmartDevices #GlassSmartFactory #SmartManufacturing #YINRUI #SmartFactory #EURASIAWINDOWDOORGL ASSFAIR2024

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